Businesses / Businesses

Subcategory: Atwoods Farm Supply

Unique DB ID: 71130

 This is a Farm Supply company that also operates in Ashley, and Polk Counties in Arkansas, as well as in Texas, and Oklahoma utilizing the same 3 frequencies for thier HT's.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 33.26611 Longitude: -93.22028 Range: 27 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.2375WQNR408 M Atwood Farm 1 Sales, Security (Ch 1) [Expired 4/21] FMN Business
451.6375WQNR408 M Atwood Farm 2 Sales, Security (Ch 2) [Expired 4/21] FMN Business
452.3125WQNR408 M Atwood Farm 3 Sales, Security (Ch 3) [Expired 4/21] FMN Business