Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation / Businesses

Subcategory: Property Management

Unique DB ID: 36550

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 40.14949 Longitude: -88.19000 Range: 23 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.875 M 186.2 PL One North One North Apartments (Urbana) (was Campus Connection; Melrose Apts) FMN Business
464.375KD51358 M 115 DPL Savoy 16 Goodrich Savoy 16 Theater: Main (Savoy) FMN Business
464.500KD51358 M 115 DPL Savoy16 Alt Goodrich Savoy 16 Theater: Alternate (Savoy) FMN Business
452.4125WQLU832 M 192.8 PL SunnycrstApt Sunnycrest Apartments (voice inversion scrambling) FMN Business
462.5875 M 67.0 PL TC Apts Town and Country Apartments FMN Business