Colleges and Universities / Colleges and Universities

Subcategory: City Colleges of Chicago

Unique DB ID: 28624

* See Wiki for additional information.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.84121 Longitude: -87.68632 Range: 12 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
854.8375WQJE297 RM CCC Security Security FMN Security
860.9875 RM 107.2 PL WrightColl 1 Wright College: Security [Ch 1/2] FMN Security
860.2375WNMA681 RM 107.2 PL WrightColl 3 Wright College: Ops [Ch 3/4] FMN Schools
461.0875 M 051 DPL WrightColl A Wright College: Ops [No License] FMN Schools
852.500 RM 107.2 PL WrightColl B Wright College: Ops [No License] FMN Schools
853.4875 BM 411 DPL WrightColl C Wright College: Ops [No License] FMN Schools
857.5125WQVD946 RM MalcmXSec Malcolm X College: Security P25 Security
857.5125WQRF696 RM ABD NAC CCC 8575125 unidentified college [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
858.1875WQRF696 RM AA1 NAC CCC Dist Ofc District Offices [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
858.6125WQRF696 RM CC3 NAC CCC A CC3 Daley College Security [Expired 5/23] P25 Security
859.1875WQRF696 RM ABD NAC CCC Wright Wright College [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
859.1875WQRF696 RM DD4 NAC CCC A DD4 unidentified college [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
859.1875WQRF696 RM EE5 NAC CCC A EE5 unidentified college [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools