Washtenaw County / Colleges and Universities

Subcategory: Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti)

Unique DB ID: 27413
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
The EMU Police Dept., uses the MPSCS as their primary radio system.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.25100 Longitude: -83.62600 Range: 0.56 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
422.800WNXK713 RM 156.7 PL EMU PhyscalPlant Physical Plant [Ch 2] FMN Public Works
461.925WPBK464 RM 91.5 PL EMU Grounds Operations (Grounds) [Ch 3] FMN Public Works
464.550 RM 91.5 PL EMU Parking Parking Enforcement FMN Law Talk
464.925WQJT234 RM 023 DPL EMU Secrity Ops Operations FMN Security
452.8125WQPS841 M 162 DPL EMU Robb RecCntr Olds/Robb Student Rec Center FMN Schools
452.2875WRAA345 M Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Resort: Ops FMN Schools
452.5375WRAA345 M Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Resort: Ops FMN Schools
456.4125WRAA345 M Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Resort: Ops FMN Schools
457.2875WRAA345 M Eagle Crest Eagle Crest Resort: Ops FMN Schools