Leavenworth County / Leavenworth County

Subcategory: Leavenworth County

Unique DB ID: 14175
Kansas Statewide Interoperable Communication System (KSICS)
Project 25 Phase II
Leavenworth County Sheriff, Fire and EMS are on this system. Leavenworth, Basehor, Lansing and Tonganoxie are on this system.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 39.19000 Longitude: -95.07000 Range: 17 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
856.8375WNNS500 RM 114 DPL LeavenworthCoSO1 Sheriff Dispatch FM Law Dispatch
857.8375WNNS500 RM 156 DPL LeavenworthCoSO2 Sheriff 2 - Tactical FM Law Tac
858.3625WNNS500 RM 624 DPL LeavenworthCoSO3 Sheriff 3 - Small Town Police Dispatch FM Law Dispatch
855.4875KNNR258 RM 047 DPL LeavenwrthCoJail Sheriff Portable Repeater (also used at the County Jail) FM Law Tac
458.6625KD42533 M 103.5 PL LeavenworthCoCC Sheriff - Community Corrections FMN Corrections
154.385KIA796 RM 172 DPL LeavenworthCoFD1 Fire and EMS Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
153.950KIA796 M 172 DPL LeavenworthCoFD2 Fire and EMS 2 - Tactical 1 FMN Fire-Tac
154.310KIA796 M 172 DPL LeavenworthCoFD3 Fire and EMS 3 - Tactical 2 FMN Fire-Tac
154.280KB80918 M CSQ LeavenworthCo FD County Fire - Mutual Aid FMN Fire-Tac
155.820KNBY309 RM 114 DPL Leavnworth Co EM Emergency Management FMN EMS Dispatch
154.130KNIS980 RM 151.4 PL MERS Radio MERS (Metropolitan Emergency Radio Service) -- Link with National Weather Service FMN Emergency Ops
150.995KDV670 RM 146.2 PL LeavenworthCoRds Highway Maintenance FMN Public Works
159.015WNUQ373 M 146.2 PL LeavenworthCoRds Highway Maintenance - Hand-Helds used on construction sites FMN Public Works